Det här är en topplista med bra boutiquehotell nära Cobble Hill, Brooklyn. Du kan hjälpa till att göra listan bättre genom att rösta på dina favorit-ställen!
1 Hilton Brooklyn New York
Best hotel stay I’ve had in a while. Everyone was professional and courteous. They guys at the bar was super nice. The hotel was exceptionally clean and they had time stamps showing the last time the elevators were disinfected, which was every hour or so. The bed was extremely comfortable and the room was spotless. This Hilton location has done an amazing job with its staff, I will definitely be back.
Vill du hitta fler ställen? Låt mig hjälpa dig hitta boutiquehotell i olika områden, tex Boerum Hill eller Brooklyn Heights eller Downtown Brooklyn.
Eller kolla in topplistan med boutiquehotell i hela Brooklyn!
Eller kolla in topplistan med boutiquehotell i hela Brooklyn!